Cummings & Lockwood LLC
 Courthouse Columns


10 Estate Planning Pointers for the Modern Family

November 2016

Typical traditional estate planning does not always address modern family circumstances.  This presentation discusses various family issues and provides ideas and advice for clients whose marital status has changed or who have non-traditional families.  (10:58)


10 Considerations for Choosing Trustees and Planning for Incapacity

November 2016

While we all want to believe we will always make the right decisions, incapacity and death put an end to that control. This presentation focuses on planning for the day when someone else will have to make those decisions.  (14:45)


10 Tips for Establishing Domicile in a Tax-Friendly Jurisdiction

November 2016

This presentation discusses 10 things you should know about domicile planning.  In particular, it focuses on best practices for clients who have switched the state of their income tax residence or are planning a switch of their estate tax domicile.  (14:43)


10 Strategies for Passing on Retirement Assets When Your Clients Pass On

November 2016

This presentation discusses 10 strategies for managing retirement assets, specifically, beneficiary designations and incorporating them into the estate plan to ensure consistent treatment with other assets.  (16:48)


10 Opportunities to Take Advantage of IRS Interest Rates

November 2016

This presentation discusses 10 ways to take advantage of IRS interest rates set by the IRS, including GRATs, sales, loans, private annuities, QPRTs, and charitable trusts.  (15:57)


10 Charitable Planning Ideas That Can Turn Any Client into a Philanthropist

November 2016

This presentation discusses 10 charitable planning ideas for clients throughout their lifetime, at their death, and as a legacy that continues with their family for generations.  (18:44)


10 Challenges When Planning for the Business Owner

November 2016

This presentation discusses 10 estate planning challenges when planning for the business owner.  A gift of an interest in a business need not throw the operations of the business completely upside down.  However, in order for a gift to be respected, there are some formalities that must be observed.  (15:00)


10 Ways the 2704 Regulations (if finalized) Will Ruin Your Holiday Season

November 2016

This presentation discusses the proposed regulatory changes (2704 regulations) relating to family-owned businesses and their impact on clients and how they will change estate planning in the future.  (25:46)


10 Things to Consider When Administering Irrevocable Trusts

November 2016

This presentation discusses the 10 things you should know about the ongoing administrative tasks associated with lifetime gifting trusts, including compliance with tax regulations and fiduciary duties of Trustees.  (13:14)


10 Potential Pitfalls in a Residential Real Estate Closing and How to Avoid Them

November 2016

The words that nobody wants to hear on the closing day is:  “We had to adjourn the closing.”  This presentation discusses problems that can arise at real estate closings and how they can be avoided by careful planning and preparation.  (10:36)
