Postmortem Planning
November 2, 2021In this video, ACTEC (The American College of Trusts and Estate Counsel) Fellows, Laura Weintraub Beck, Vice Chairman and Chair of the Private Clients Group of Cummings & Lockwood LLC and Jonathan P. (JP) Lee of Sojourner, Caughman & Thomas, LLC give a concise summary of estate tax planning, disclaiming, decanting, portability options and the impact of pre-mortem decisions on postmortem planning.
Introduction to Cummings & Lockwood’s Litigation Group
July 23, 2020In this video, John W. Cannavino provides an overview of Cummings & Lockwood’s Litigation Group and the firm’s experience in Federal, State and Probate Courts and with national arbitration and mediation forums. (4:30)
Introduction to Cummings & Lockwood’s Commercial Real Estate Group
July 16, 2020In this video, Jonathan B. Mills provides an overview of Cummings & Lockwood’s Commercial Real Estate Group, including a description of the firm’s experience, client base and legal services which encompass commercial real estate sales and acquisitions, commercial real development, commercial real estate leasing and commercial real estate financing. (3:45)
Introduction to Cummings & Lockwood’s Corporate & Finance Group
July 9, 2020In this video, Joel Schechter provides an overview of Cummings & Lockwood’s Corporate & Finance Group, which provides a broad range of legal services including corporate entity formation, corporate governance and acquisitions and financings, as well as specialized services such as franchise law and entertainment and sports law. (5:01)
An Introduction to Cummings & Lockwood's Private Clients Group
July 5, 2020In this video, Laura Weintraub Beck provides an overview of Cummings & Lockwood’s Private Clients Group which provides a broad array of trusts and estates services to individuals, families, family offices, closely held businesses and private foundations. (3:56)
An Introduction to Cummings & Lockwood
May 31, 2020In this video, Jonathan B. Mills discusses the 110 year history of Cummings & Lockwood, a law firm headquartered in Stamford, Connecticut; the establishment of six offices in Connecticut and Florida; its four main practice areas which include Private Clients, Corporate & Finance, Litigation and Commercial Real Estate; and its clients which include private clients and commercial enterprises. (5:30)
Domicile Planning and Moving to Florida
February 24, 2020In this video, Robert L. Lancaster, a Principal in Cummings & Lockwood’s Private Clients Group, discusses the importance of domicile, the difference between domicile and residence, the tax and non-tax consequences of a change of domicile, and the various ways in which one can establish a new domicile. (2:39)
Charitable Planning
February 20, 2020In this video, Heather J. Rhoades, a Principal in Cummings & Lockwood’s Private Clients Group, discusses how charitable giving can be incorporated into an estate plan, as well as describes the more common charitable structures or techniques, such as Charitable Lead Trusts, Charitable Remainder Unitrusts and Private Foundations. (2:01)
Probate & Estate Administration
February 17, 2020In this video, Mary Beth Crawford, a Principal in Cummings & Lockwood’s Private Clients Group, discusses who is responsible for settling an estate, what happens if there is no Will and how long it typically takes to settle an estate, as well as outlines the seven principal duties of an Executor. (2:40)
Choice of Fiduciaries
February 13, 2020In this video, Daniel G. Johnson, a Principal in Cummings & Lockwood’s Private Clients Group, discusses what a fiduciary is, the roles and responsibilities of a fiduciary, and the selection of fiduciaries, which might include a family member, non-family member, a trust company or bank with a trust department, or a trusts and estates attorney or accountant who regularly serves as Executor or Trustee. (2:23)
Connecticut Directed Trusts
February 10, 2020In this video, Daniel P, Fitzgerald, a Principal in Cummings & Lockwood’s Private Clients Group, discusses the estate planning opportunities presented by the Connecticut Directed Trust Act. (2:38)
Connecticut Asset Protection Trusts
February 6, 2020In this video, Kelley Galica Peck, a Principal in Cummings & Lockwood’s Private Clients Group, discusses new asset protection planning in Connecticut through Asset Protection Trusts. (2:42)