Cummings & Lockwood


Wills - Who Needs Them?

February 23, 2017

Sometimes, it's a benefit to be in the minority: Only 42 percent of U.S. adults have wills, according to a recent survey conducted by Princeton Survey Research Associates International.

The Norman Transcripts
By Julie Jason


Tax Court Disallows Trusts Charitable Deduction for Want of Charitable Intent

November 6, 2016

Simply put, trusts are liable for income tax on the income they earn. They’re also eligible to receive deductions for certain distributions they make. 

Trusts & Estates Magazine Website


A Review of Code Section 754 and Its Tax Consequences

November 2016

Subchapter K sometimes treats a partnership as a separate entity, which is distinct from its partners, and other times treats a partnership as an aggregate of individuals, each of whom owns an undivided interest in partnership assets.

Bloomberg BNA Tax Management Real Estate Journal


U.S. Government Extends Reach as Creditor Beyond the Insolvent Estate

September 20, 2016

A widow with four minor children was faced with a predicament. When her husband died, he owed more than $340,000 in unpaid federal income tax liabilities.

Trusts & Estates Magazine Website


Gene Wilder's Real-Life Golden Ticket

September 11, 2016

Gene Wilder was a celebrated actor best known for his role as Willy Wonka. What Wilder is less recognized for, but which is maybe even more admirable, is his philanthropic efforts to raise awareness about ovarian cancer.

Trusts & Estates Magazine Website


UBI Tax Not Applied to Receivables Left by Decedent

July 25, 2016

Originally, all business income of charities and other exempt organizations was free from taxation.  Today, the tax on UBI is imposed on the unrelated business taxable income of most exempt organizations.

Trusts & Estates Magazine Website


IRS Denies IRC Section 1035 Tax Deferral in Annuity Exchange

June 28, 2016

A taxpayer inherited an interest in an annuity from his late father. The taxpayer wished to exchange his interest in the inherited annuity for an annuity sold by a different insurance company. 

Trusts & Estates Magazine Website


The Fiduciary vs. Sovereign Immunity

June 13, 2016

Estates are generally viewed as a legal continuation of a deceased individual: when an individual passes away, any claims that arose before or on an individual’s death may be pursued by or against the estate of that individual. 

Trusts & Estates Magazine Website


Asset Protection or Abusive Tax Planning?

May 16, 2016

Former billionaires punished for using offshore trusts as "piggy banks" to defraud the IRS. “Never let a creditor get to your asset, no matter how bad your mistake.” 

Trusts & Estates Magazine Website


IRS "Rolls Over" Where Beneficiary Designation Overlooked

May 11, 2016

Without professional assistance, it’s easy for an individual to forego updating an essential element of their estate plan: beneficiary designations.

Trusts & Estates Magazine Website


The Legacy IRA: The Charitable IRA Rollover Part II

May 8, 2016

Retirees searching for income who also want to give to charity are drawn to charitable remainder trusts and charitable gift annuities. You get lifetime payouts, and the charity gets its share when you die. 

Forbes Magazine Website


New Federal Bill Authorizes Charitable Life-Income IRA Rollovers

May 5, 2016

A life-income charitable individual retirement account rollover bill (HR5171) (The Legacy IRA Act) has just been introduced this morning by House Ways and Means Committee members. 

Trusts & Estates Magazine Website



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