News & Insights
Wills - Who Needs Them?
February 23, 2017Sometimes, it's a benefit to be in the minority: Only 42 percent of U.S. adults have wills, according to a recent survey conducted by Princeton Survey Research Associates International.
The Norman Transcripts
The Importance of Domicile
A Private Clients Group White Paper
Our society has become increasingly mobile and people frequently relocate from state to state, own vacation homes in a state different from that of their year-round residence or retire out of state.
Revocable Trusts and Trust Administration in Connecticut
Revocable Trusts and Trust Administration in Connecticut concisely covers principles of revocable trusts, including what they are, what their advantages and disadvantages are and how they compare with wills.
Drafting Trusts in Connecticut, 2d
Emphasizing a detailed knowledge of the client's intent and how to capture it, Drafting Trusts in Connecticut provides step-by-step guidance to the drafting of trusts documents in Connecticut estates practice.
Drafting Wills in Connecticut, 2019-2020 ed.
Drafting Wills in Connecticut contains the forms and annotations necessary to complete a will in the state of Connecticut. Drafting legal documents has often been described as part science and part art.
Settlement of Estates in Connecticut, 3d
Settlement of Estates in Connecticut covers every phase of the probate and estate management process from the time a death occurs through distribution of an estate's assets.
Death Taxes in Connecticut, 4th
Death Taxes in Connecticut provide insights into such topics as the nature and theory of state death taxation, penalties, and the effects on decedents' estates.
Connecticut Probate Deskbook
Connecticut Probate Deskbook covers existing probate-related Connecticut Statutes; Public Acts of special interest to probate practice; official Connecticut Probate Court forms; updated state (Connecticut) tax forms; and a directory of judges, information on Connecticut Probate Court fees and updated tax rate schedules.
Probate Litigation in Connecticut, 3d
Probate Litigation in Connecticut discusses will and lifetime transfer contests, will and trust construction proceedings, challenging probate court decrees, fiduciary litigation, suits on probate bonds, evidence in probate litigation and appeals.
Trump's Tax Plan
November 2016This presentation discusses what we know so far about President Trump’s proposed individual income tax and estate, gift and generation-skipping transfer tax plans, as well as what remains unknown at this point about the future of these taxes. (5:33)
10 Estate Planning Pointers for the Modern Family
November 2016Typical traditional estate planning does not always address modern family circumstances. This presentation discusses various family issues and provides ideas and advice for clients whose marital status has changed or who have non-traditional families. (10:58)
10 Considerations for Choosing Trustees and Planning for Incapacity
November 2016While we all want to believe we will always make the right decisions, incapacity and death put an end to that control. This presentation focuses on planning for the day when someone else will have to make those decisions. (14:45)