News & Insights
CLIENT ALERT - Coronavirus (COVID-19)
March 11, 2020The spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) is impacting an increasing number of individuals, families, businesses and financial markets, as well as our professional and personal lives.
We know that many of you, directly or indirectly, may be affected, and we share your concerns about public health and safety, business continuity, and market turbulence.
Domicile Planning and Moving to Florida
February 24, 2020In this video, Robert L. Lancaster, a Principal in Cummings & Lockwood’s Private Clients Group, discusses the importance of domicile, the difference between domicile and residence, the tax and non-tax consequences of a change of domicile, and the various ways in which one can establish a new domicile. (2:39)
Charitable Planning
February 20, 2020In this video, Heather J. Rhoades, a Principal in Cummings & Lockwood’s Private Clients Group, discusses how charitable giving can be incorporated into an estate plan, as well as describes the more common charitable structures or techniques, such as Charitable Lead Trusts, Charitable Remainder Unitrusts and Private Foundations. (2:01)
Probate & Estate Administration
February 17, 2020In this video, Mary Beth Crawford, a Principal in Cummings & Lockwood’s Private Clients Group, discusses who is responsible for settling an estate, what happens if there is no Will and how long it typically takes to settle an estate, as well as outlines the seven principal duties of an Executor. (2:40)
Choice of Fiduciaries
February 13, 2020In this video, Daniel G. Johnson, a Principal in Cummings & Lockwood’s Private Clients Group, discusses what a fiduciary is, the roles and responsibilities of a fiduciary, and the selection of fiduciaries, which might include a family member, non-family member, a trust company or bank with a trust department, or a trusts and estates attorney or accountant who regularly serves as Executor or Trustee. (2:23)
Connecticut Directed Trusts
February 10, 2020In this video, Daniel P, Fitzgerald, a Principal in Cummings & Lockwood’s Private Clients Group, discusses the estate planning opportunities presented by the Connecticut Directed Trust Act. (2:38)
Connecticut Asset Protection Trusts
February 6, 2020In this video, Kelley Galica Peck, a Principal in Cummings & Lockwood’s Private Clients Group, discusses new asset protection planning in Connecticut through Asset Protection Trusts. (2:42)
Which High-End Neighborhoods in the New York Tri-State Area Have the Lowest Property Taxes?
January 8, 2020Kathleen M. Merrigan, a Residential Real Estate Principal in Cummings & Lockwood's Greenwich office, was quoted in an article by V. L. Hendrickson published in Mansion Global on January 9, 2010 entitled “Which High-End Neighborhoods in the New York Tri-State Area Have the Lowest Property Taxes?”
No Thank You: Tax, Legal and Practical Consequences of Charitable Gifts Returned to Donors
December 31, 2019Conrad Teitell, Heather J. Rhoades and Brianna L Marquis wrote an article for Trusts and Estates Magazine entitled "No Thank You: Tax, Legal and Practical Consequences of Charitable Gifts Returned to Donors" which was published in the January 2020 Issue.
Trusts & Estates Magazine
2019 Cummings & Lockwood Annual Update
December 30, 2019This year marked Cummings & Lockwood's 110th anniversary. Our founders, Homer Cummings and Charles Lockwood, opened the firm over a century ago in Stamford, Connecticut. Since then, we have grown to over 200 lawyers, fiduciary accountants, paralegals and staff, with six locations in Connecticut and Florida.
Private Foundation Tax Simplified -- May Result in Higher Taxes for Some
December 30, 2019Private foundations will now be subject to a flat excise tax of 1.39% on their net investment income. As part of the Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2020, Public Law No. 116-94, that was passed on December 20, 2019, the new flat rate will be effective for tax years beginning after December 20, 2019.
“SECURE Act” Set to Become Law and Eliminate “Stretch” Inherited IRAs for Non-Spouse Beneficiaries
December 19, 2019The Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement ("SECURE") Act passed the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate as part of the Spending Bill and is expected to be signed by the President before December 24th.