Cummings & Lockwood

Keeping Your Client's Name Out of the Press: Obscuring Title to Real Estate

November 2017

In this presentation, Kathleen M. Merrigan, a residential real estate attorney in Cummings & Lockwood’s Greenwich, Connecticut office, explains why many clients would prefer not to have their names appear on the property tax rolls or have their names appear in the media when buying or selling a home.  She also discusses various techniques that can be used to insure that a client’s desire for privacy is met.  (13:48)

Presentation Outline

 1.  Purchasing Real Estate:  Public Information

 2.  Pros and Cons of Purchasing through an LLC

 3.  Pros and Cons of Purchasing Through a Trust

 4.  All Cash Purchases

 5.  Other Issues ot Consider

      a.  Homeowners Insurance

      b.  Transferring property to LLC/Trust AFTER Closing

 6.  When Privacy Is a Priority

      a.  Consider nondisclosure agreements

      b.  Establish a plan for handling media inquiries

      c.  Beware of the trophy property


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